Tuesday, July 19, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros #3 - A Dark and Stormy Murder; Throw Away Girls

Hosted by Diane @ Bibliophile by the Sea
Post the first paragraph(s) of what you are currently reading or will read soon.

First up is a book that I got about a week ago and have been looking forward to.

A Dark and Stormy Murder (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery #1); Julia Buckley
Berkeley - 2016

I was immersed in The Lost Child, one of my favorite Camilla Graham novels, when an unlikely phone call changed my life.
Short, simple, and already intriguing. I can't wait to read more! Next up is a very, very different sort of story...

Throw Away Girls; Jennifer Vaughn
Waldorf Publishing - 2016

"You are heavier than you look, sweet thing," the man grunted as he hoisted the woman by the waist. Her knee caught a metal hook near the wall that held a cat o'nine tails and ripped open. She groaned. Blocking out a stab of pain and the stark shock of having this enjoyable encounter rapidly degrade into a nightmare, Zoe Statler switched to survival mode.

I haven't started A Dark and Stormy Murder yet, but I'm about nine chapters into Throw Away Girls and it is a heck of a page-turner.  

Which one seems more interesting to you? 


  1. The intro made me smile, I'd read more. Hope you like this one.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! (and for hosting this meme, of course)

  2. I always think you say about someone by what they read, although to be completely honest I'd never heard of Camilla Graham before... I do like the sound of this though it is Throw Away Girls which is really keeping my attention. I'll have to look that one up! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Teasers
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Camilla Graham is a fictional author in the world of A Dark and Stormy Murder. She's modeled off Mary Stewart, the famed romantic mystery writer.

      Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to check out your site ^^

  3. I like the beginning to A Dark and Stormy Murder.

  4. I pre-ordered A Dark and Stormy Murder and my copy arrived last week. Really looking forward to reading it. I love books that mention the titles of other books within the story.

    1. I'm hoping to finish Throw Away Girls by tomorrow so I can finally get started on A Dark and Stormy Murder. Happy reading!

  5. Both authors are new to me, but I am drawn to the titles and the excerpts. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. The author to Throw Away Girls is new to me, but Julia Buckley is a local author who also writes a culinary cozy series (I reviewed the first book in the series: http://murderisdelicious.blogspot.com/2016/07/book-review-big-chili-by-julia-buckley.html )

  6. A Dark and Stormy Murder is on my list too. I love that cover and the title too. It's perfect for mystery fans.

    1. The cover and title are exactly why I was drawn to the book in the first place!

  7. A Dark and Stormy Murder sounds right up my alley! I have a fair idea of what I think Throw Away Girls is about just from the opening and cover. I would probably read that one as well.

    1. Throw Away Girls isn't exactly my speed, but I do like to shake things up now and then by reading something a little darker and grittier.

      I'm saving A Dark and Stormy Murder for after I'm done with Throw Away Girls to kind of help me decompress from all that darkness and gore.

  8. Throw Away Girls sounds grittier and not of a page turner to me. Enjoy!

  9. Glad to hear that the Throw Away Girls has you turning those pages - I did prefer the opening for A Dark and Stormy Murder - very tantalising.

    1. Throw Away Girls isn't my usual speed, but I'm trying to expand my horizons in the mystery/thriller genre.

      Thanks for stopping by!
